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贫穷的乡郊地区poverty-plagued rural areas

提供一个可靠的安全网providing a reliable safety net


Can ordinary people afford it?

渡过艰难时期cope with the recession

减少跨代贫穷break the cycle of inter-generational poverty/reduce inter-generational poverty

减轻中产负担ease the burden on the middle class

减轻他们的负担lessening their burden

减轻市民负担/纾解民困ease the burden for people

减轻我们的负担alleviate the burden on us

无家可归的流浪汉the homeless straggler

极度贫困的人the financially destitute


Over the past two decades, China has made tremendous strides on economic front, which have brought enormous improvements to the material life of its people.


The gap between rich and poor has widened because of the bad economy in the past few years.

对低收入家庭来说是遥不可及的梦想a remote dream for low-income families

综合家庭服务中心Integrated Family Services Centre

综援Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA)

价格尚未见底prices may not have hit bottom

靠捡垃圾维生/靠拾荒维生earning a living by picking up garbage

帮助他们脱贫help people work their way out of poverty

缩窄贫富悬殊reduce the gap between rich and poor/narrow the wealth gap

声称最艰难时刻经已过去,否极泰来的日子不远claim the worst is over and promise better times are just around the corner

赚钱过活、维持生计earn a living

额外拨款二十七亿元扶贫committed an extra $2.7 billion in the next two years to relieve the plight of the poor

关怀弱势社群take good care of the disadvantaged

(咨询文件)咨询期至今年年底opened for public consultation until the end of the year

一致同意采纳was adopted with unanimous consent

人口政策population policy

已承诺来年会咨询公众has promised public consultation next year

不合时宜is no longer suitable

不能故步自封could not stand still

不断增强竞争力continually enhance our competitiveness

公共政策public policy

公共政策研究public policy research

公众对方案的反对程度the level of public opposition to its proposals

公众咨询public consultation

化解矛盾resolve conflicts

主流意见mainstream opinion

以人为本的政策"people-orientated" policies


He just wanted to raise the issue in order to gauge public reaction.


He hoped the review would be finished by the end of the year.


They do not necessarily reflect the views of the community as a whole.

加强和公众沟通strengthen communication with the public

加强政策研究能力reinforce the policy research capability

加强部门间的合作strengthen departmental co-operation


When, last November, housing chief Michael Suen Ming-yeung unveiled his nine-point plan to stop the slump in property prices, he suggested this would be the government's final shift in housing policy.

去年十一月公布的孙九招the nine-point package of measures Mr Suen introduced last November


It did not, however, mention any timetable for future reform.


The policy is, however, still rigidly enforced in other parts of the country.

另一个议而不决的事项another issue that has been much talked about but not acted upon

只有空话contained only empty rhetoric

只是假咨询is not true consultation

只得打退堂鼓was forced to retreat

市民自然会疑惑那批政治任命的高官究竟有甚么新思维the community can justly wonder exactly what new thinking his team of political appointees has engendered in the government

平衡各方利益balance the interests of different sectors


It is essential to gain a community consensus to find comprehensive solutions.

打破禁忌broke a taboo


Social problems are being stored up for the future.

正考虑进一步延长公众咨询期is considering further extending the public consultation period

交换意见和信息exchange views and information

企硬的态度intransigent attitude

向特首请愿要求他做某事petitioned the Chief Executive to do something


The change was proposed in response to community wishes.

在「大市场、小政府」的管治原则下Following the principle of "big market, small government"

在现阶段不会考虑was not being considered at this stage

有心无力的人well-meaning people

吸引跨国公司在香港设立地区总部或办事处attract multinational corporations to set up regional headquarters or offices


I urge various quarters of the community to be calm and rational and set aside differences, disputes and pre-conceived notions, and and strive for a consensus on the constitutional development in Hong Kong.


We cannot always discuss without decisions, make decisions without execution.


We do not want to see the community divided.

我们必须听取各界人士意见we must consider views from all sectors of our community


We have taken heed of public criticisms of our governance and responded quickly to the aspirations of people.


We are treading on thin ice.


The first step after our return to Hong Kong is to promote discussions in society on these problems.


We must stay alert to the challenges that lie ahead.


We value citizens' views and suggestions very highly.


We will also engage more representatives of various groups to join advisory bodies.


We will staunchly preserve the core values of our society.


We will continue with our efforts to uphlod the vision of "people-based" governance.

技术上的困难technical difficulties

把公众咨询期由三个月延长至六个月extend public consultation on the project from three months to six months

批评施政报告缺乏实质措施改善香港经济问题criticised the policy address for its lack of specific policies to cure Hong Kong's economic problems

改革的主要阻力the chief opponents of reform

改革蓝图reform blueprint

改变现行的政策veer from its current policies

更紧贴民意follow public opinion even more closely

求同存异seek common ground while accommodating disagreements

决定下重药/落重药has decided on drastic action

没有天时、地利、人和without the conjunction of timing, location and human relationships



It deals only with a part of the problem.


It will be a triple-lose situation.

依照特首明定的原则去进行改革take forward the reform in accordance with the principle laid down by the Chief Executive

来得不是时候/不合时宜comes at an inopportune time

制定金融政策forming financial-sector policy

制定指引guidelines were formulated

制定货币和金融政策setting monetary and financial policy

制订政策的过程the policy-making process

协调社会各阶层、各界别的利益balance the interests of different social strata and sectors

取消工程的话要赔偿数亿美元的罚款cancellation would incur hundreds of millions of dollars in penalties

委托某人做某事commission somebody to do something

所谓的主流方案the so-called mainstream proposal

拒绝落实施行时间declined to commit to a timetable

东京都知事石原慎太郎Shintaro Ishihara, governor of Tokyo


There's also no clear consensus in the community.

纠正某物与某物的不平衡redress the imbalance between something and something

非常性手段exceptional methods

保障资金自由流通safeguard the free flow of information and capital

促进社会和谐与稳定promote social harmony and stability

促请政府简化程序called for the cutting of government red tape

前东京都知事青岛幸男former Governor Yukio Aoshima of Tokyo

建立香港为亚洲的国际都会building Hong Kong as Asia's World City


Many Hong Kong people are disappointed with measures announced by Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa in Wednesday's policy address.

思汇政策研究所行政总监陆恭蕙Christine Loh Kung-wai, CEO of Civic Exchange

急市民所急addressing people's pressing needs

恢复市民对前景的信心restore people's confidence in their future

恢复殖民地传统reviving the colonial tradition


The government is in the midst of consultations for the electoral arrangements for 2007.

政府很重视的事情a matter that the Government places a great deal of importance on

是一件好事was a good thing

是广大市民的共同心愿the common goal of our community

星期美点式的政策/随波逐流的政策flavour-of-the month policies

为和发达国家看齐To put the SAR on par with the developed world

为表达政府对是次事件的关注in an effort to underline the Government's concern

看来有诚意致力要改弦易辙的人who seem genuinely committed to doing things differently

背靠内地,面向世界backed by the Mainland and engaged globally

致力改革的政府reform-minded administration

致力争取私人机构参与赞助maximise sponsorship opportunities from the private sector

要求某人做某事call on somebody to do something

重复某人的请求echo pleas made by somebody


Hongkongers are inclined to maintain the status quo.

香港青年政策研究所the Hong Kong Avant-Garde Policy Research Institute

香港政策研究所Hong Kong Policy Research Institute


Hong Kong needed to build on its existing strengths.


Staunch support from the Mainland and our global outlook have been crucial to our economic success.

原则上支持该计划supported the plan in principle

家和万事兴A family that lives in harmony will prosper

真正面对的只有两大难题facing really just two major woes

缺乏危机感lacked a sense of crisis

能冲淡一些影响will mitigate some of the implications

高压政策/高压手段high-handed policy

假大空的计划grandiose plans

做了很少的准备工作have done very little preparatory work

问题根源the root of the problem

执行资源增值计划adopted enhanced productivity measures to increase their efficiency

将慎重考虑该提议serious consideration would be given to the proposal


hand the findings to somebody

强化与珠江三角洲其它城市的合作promote closer co-operation with other cities in the Pearl River Delta (PRD)

得到民众认同harvest public sympathy

推动创新科技promoting innovation and technology

采用更彻底的方法adopt more radical measures


stepped up measures to deal with something

杀局scrapping elected municipal councils


理性讨论sensible discussion

现有制度the existing system

现行政策the present policy


We were indecisive when dealing with emergencies.

被拒参与是项计划has been deterred from joining the scheme

设法找个办法hammer out a mechanism


These are ideas that deserve careful consideration.


This is of fundamental importance for the successful governance of the SAR.


That has led some councillors to dub them "chicken ribs" - tasteless when eaten but a pity to throw away.

逐步来take things one step at a time

最终目标/终极目标ultimate aim

提供一篮子措施provide a basket of measures

提供必要的硬件和软件基础设施provide the necessary hard and soft infrastructure

提供利诱以做某事provide financial incentive to do something

提高行政效率enhancing administrative efficiency

提高施政水平improving governance

提高管治质素enhancing the quality of governance

提高竞争力boost competitiveness

减低营商成本reduce business costs

犹豫不决的零碎作法indecisive, piecemeal efforts

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